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  Council Shop

The Council Shop, located at the Girl Scout Service Center, is your best source for official Girl Scout merchandise.

  • Uniform components
  • Earned awards
  • Handbooks
  • Girl Scout insignia
  • Patches
  • Gifts

The Council Shop accepts cash, troop and personal checks, and MasterCard and Visa. You may also place special orders for items in the current Girl Scout catalog through the Council Shop (allow three weeks).

  • You may return or exchange current merchandise; please retain your receipt for this purpose.

  • Purchases at the shop help support services provided by our council.

  • The Council Shop is the only authorized agency for the purchase of earned awards.

In order to be exempt from being charged sales tax for Girl Scout troop/group materials in the Council Shop, each troop/group must present, or have on file, a Tennessee Sales Tax Exemption certificate and make purchases with a troop/group check or check card with the troop/group number on it.

Other Authorized Agencies

Uniforms, numbers, and books are also available at the following locations:

The Knowledge Tree

2095 Exeter Road

Germantown, TN


The Knowledge Tree

2832 Wolf Creek Parkway

Cordova, TN


(across from Wolfchase Galleria at the Wolf Creek Shopping Center)

JCPenney also provides catalog order service for Girl Scout merchandise.

Order online from GSUSA at http://shop.girlscouts.org.

From Your Council Shop

Spring is just around the corner and we want to give you some tips on planning ahead for the awards and patches your troop will need.

Buying early will ensure that you have everything your troop will need.  We have a variety of patches and pins available for those who want to commemorate Thinking Day. Girl Scout Sunday or Sabbath or Black History Month. The shop still has 95th Anniversary commemorative items, too.

If your troop plans to travel during the summer and would like matching T-shirts and specific sizes, talk to the Council Shop early so that your order can be incorporated into a larger order. In some cases it takes 3 to 4 weeks to receive special orders.

In short, the key is to plan, plan, and plan so that the girls can complete the activities they want and the awards for doing those activities are available in the Council Shop.

Don�t Forget: If you have girls in your troop who will be bridging to the next level of Girl Scouting and they would like to earn the Bridge, there are requirements which will need to be worked into the schedule.

Did You Know?

For your convenience we have a library of books on any activity your troop would like to do. In addition we have equipment for your investitures such as candle logs, flags, stands, and bridges needed to make your ceremony memorable.

We make these services available to our volunteers free of charge; therefore it is important that we ask your help in returning borrowed books, flags, and other ceremonial equipment in a timely manner to allow other volunteers the opportunity of having them available to check out when they need them.


Daisy Girl Scouts


Daisy Tunic

Daisy Girl Scout Activity Book

American Flag Patch

Troop Numerals

World Trefoil Pin

Daisy Girl Scout Membership Pin

Insignia Tab

Ceremonial / Event Dress

Long Sleeve T-Shirt or Short Sleeve T-Shirt


Casual/Recreational Dress

Pull-on Pants

Zip Front Sweatshirt

Brownie Girl Scouts


Brownie Sash or Brownie Vest

Brownie Handbook & Brownie Try-It Book

American Flag Patch

Council ID Strips

Troop Numerals

World Trefoil Pin

Brownie Girl Scout Membership Pin

Membership Star

Insignia Tab

Ceremonial / Event Dress

Short Sleeve Shirt

Cargo Pants or Skort

Casual / Recreational Dress

Pull-on Pants


Mock Tee

Short Sleeve Tee

Junior Girl Scouts


Junior Sash or Junior Vest

Junior Handbook & Junior Badge Book

American Flag Patch

Council ID Strips

Troop Numerals

World Trefoil Pin

Girl Scout Membership Pin

Membership Star

Insignia Tab

Ceremonial / Event Dress

Woven Shirt or Polo

Skort or Pant

Casual / Recreational Dress

Drawstring Pant

Zip Front Jacket

Baseball Tee

Short Sleeve Tee

Teen Girl Scouts (Girls 11 - 17)

(includes Cadette Girl Scouts, Senior Girl Scouts and STUDIO 2B)


Sash or Vest

Interest Projects for Girls 11 - 17 or

STUDIO 2B Materials

Cadette Handbook or

Senior Resource Book

American Flag Patch

Council ID Strips

Troop Numerals

World Trefoil Pin

Girl Scout Membership Pin

Membership Star

Insignia Tab

Ceremonial / Event Dress

Woven Blouse or Polo

Girl's own Khaki Pant or Skirt

Casual / Recreational Dress


Express It Tee

Tank Top

Adult Girl Scouts

New for fall

Leader T-Shirts and Sweatshirts

Some uniform components are available or can be ordered upon request.


Scarf for women

World Trefoil Pin

Girl Scout Membership Pin

Council Shop Mail Order

For a small shipping and handling fee, the council Shop will be happy to mail your orders for Girl Scout merchandise and Official Insignia.  Orders may be placed by mail, fax, e-mail or by phone.  Contact the Shop Manager, Peggy Jamieson for additional information. Click here for Shop Order Form.

� 2007 Girl Scouts


  1. https://www.thedelidowntown.com/
  2. https://sovereignacademy.org/
  3. https://www.liminalflagstaff.org/
  4. https://kifunejo.com/
  5. https://prontoproject.org/
  6. https://www.philomenecafe.com/
  7. https://generatenextpa.com/
  8. https://soarocean.org/
  9. https://www.conleycaraballo.com/
  10. https://robertsfishmarket.com/
  11. https://akaalprimaryschool.org/
  12. https://www.lookslikeagreattime.com/
  13. https://prane-paris.com/
  14. https://www.floralsbybenita.com/
  15. https://www.gsmid-south.org/
  16. https://www.uwcatch.org/
  17. https://mandalallc.com/
  18. https://callinastyle.com/
  19. https://assemblages-paris.com/
  20. https://kimforuvalde.com/
  21. https://highcitylimo.com/
  22. https://parisbeautysupplyz.com/
  23. https://uucovenant.org/
  24. https://lansingsoccerclub.org/
  25. https://lachimba.org/
  26. https://bisonseclub.com/
  27. https://www.sumterregional.org/
  28. https://www.altheamedspa.com/
  29. https://www.phoenix-library.org/
  30. https://www.acupuncture-sales.com/
  31. demo slot
  32. https://www.fundacionfamiliaserdan.org/