section is full of information and ideas � and we hope
these ideas, coupled with the ideas and interests of the
girls in your troop will help your troop chart its own
to DO With Your Troop � sometimes all you need is an
idea or an outline to follow; find information about the
Girl Scout Cookie Sale here, too.
Management Reminders,
Tips and Resources will help you with some of the day to
day issues that come up as you are working with your
troop. The commonly used forms are available to print out,
complete and return.
suggest you start with the fundamental publications
provided by Girl Scouts of the USA
(GSUSA) for each the
age-level and their accompanying leader guides. They are
full of information and activities, and are available in
the Council Shop.
Safety-Wise is another wonderful GSUSA resource, for all adults in
Girl Scouting, with particular emphasis on those who work
directly with girls. It is full of information to enhance
leader development, quick tips for working with
girls, and lots of advice on creating a safe environment
in which to have fun.
sure to consult the Activity Checkpoints in Safety-Wise
to determine if additional training and approvals are
needed and what safety considerations to follow.
Girl Scout Resource Library and Council Shop both carry
many of the new materials GSUSA has created in
collaboration with other organizations. New resources are
always under development, to meet the evolving needs of
Adapting and Renewing
For nearly 95 years, Girl
Scouting has risen to the challenge of meeting the unique
needs of each generation of girls. Girl Scouting has
transformed many times in the past, embracing change and
innovation to stay in sync with evolving cultures and
tastes. Each change � whether in uniforms, badges, program
or structure to deliver activities � has supported our
constant commitment to understand girls and serve them
Girls today are asking for
compelling, relevant and impact driven experiences. So,
the time has come again to renew and redefine the Girl
Scout experience. We�re proud to have you join us on this
journey. Together we can deliver on the promise of our
mission, to build girls of courage, confidence and
character, who make the world a better place.
In October 2008, Girl
Scouts of the USA will begin to phase in new materials and
resources, refocusing on a strengthened leadership
experience. The Girl Scout Leadership Development Program
is being designed so girls will discover their personal
best and prepare for a positive future; connect with
others in an increasingly diverse world; and take action
to solve problems and improve their communities. See page
16 to find out how you can help shape the future of Girl
You don�t have to wait for the
new materials to be released to begin incorporating the
elements that are the basis for the leadership development
model. Girl Scout activities will be based on the values
of the Girl Scout Promise and Law and will be organized
around these three �keys� to leadership:
Discover: activities
engage girls in exploring their world and their values
Connect: activities
engage girls in teaming up and relating with others
Take Action: activities
engage girls in making a difference
The processes of how girls
participate are what make Girl Scouts unique, drive the
quality of girls� experiences, and most importantly,
promote fun and friendship:
By Girls, for Girls:
girl driven; girl-adult partnerships
Learning by Doing:
experiential learning; cycles of action and reflection
Cooperative Learning:
all-girl teams; working toward shared goals
Beginning this spring, we will
also be introducing Girl Scout leaders to the Search
Institute�s 40 Developmental Assets FrameworkTM
and philosophy. This strengths-based approach is part of
the regional Youth Development Collaborative�s effort to
mobilize people throughout our region in building assets
in all our young people. See the calendar (February 6 and
March 29) for more training information.
Your time and your nurturing
of each girl�s unique and positive worth is so important!
Thank you.