Scouting is an nonformal and experiential educational
program promoting girls� personal growth and leadership
development within a national and global sisterhood.
Grounded in the values of the Girl Scout Promise and Law,
it offers girls a safe, supportive environment. Girls
partner with caring adults to create a wide range of fun
and challenging activities that empower girls to grow,
lead and engage in service.
Scouts is the preeminent organization dedicated solely to
girls � all girls. Girl Scouting cultivates values,
social conscience and self-esteem in young girls, while
teaching them critical life skills to later succeed as
adults. In Girl Scouting�s special girls-only
environment, girls discover the fun, friendship and power
of girls together.
(Daisy) Gordon Low held this country�s first Girl Scout
meeting in Savannah, Georgia on March 12, 1912. Four years
later Girl Scouting was introduced in the Mid-South.
Scout Council of the Mid-South�s membership today is
nearly 9,000 girls between the ages of 5-17 and 2,000
adults within the council�s three-state, 10-county jurisdiction. Our members are part of
Girl Scouts of the
USA (GSUSA) � an international organization with over
3.7 million members � and are also part of the World
Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS).
Girl Scout Promise, the Girl Scout Law and the
Girl Scout
Program Goals guide girls, council staff and volunteers
throughout their work and lives. The Council�s Goals
provide additional direction.
professional staff is employed by our council to support
adult leadership. The volunteer board of directors is
responsible for the governance of our council and the
stewardship of its assets.
Scout Council of the Mid-South maintains the Girl Scout
Service Center, Council Shop, Girl Scout Program/Training
Center and four camp sites. A variety of trainings and
events take place around the area to accommodate and needs
and interests of girls and adults.